(tip) for those of you Mac trackpad users:

so for those of you trackpad users:

i’ve discovered a little something recently, a little tip for you all that probably will help you guys hold combos more consistently.

this is how to do it: go to settings, then go to trackpad in the little bar of options. scroll all the way down to this:

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 7.24.05 PM

click it, then go ahead to this bar:

you want this to be set at firm, not medium, which is the default, like this.

what will this do, you ask? well, it basically prevents hand stutters or shakes from accidentally producing another hit, which breaks the timing of a combo.

enjoy! make sure to like/comment below if you enjoyed :heart:

(bonus: gives u satisfying asmr as well)

Windows users:

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This is only for macs. U should edit it

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mac ahh tutorial

yep, sorry for not saying that explicitly

thanks killer for changing the title

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is this in sb?

yes, this is for sb. from what i’ve seen, helps people hold combos more due to better spacing (the firm click prevents most hand stuttering/shakiness.)

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