Tips for game dev?

Im going to start working on game dev once I’m settled in my new house (yes i just moved) and i need help on where to start.

I need

  1. Ideal languages to use
  2. Resources to learn #1
  3. Something for modeling
  4. Something to learn modeling with

Picking a language is a very difficult thing to do, as they all have their ups and downs. I’ve tried Python, C#, C++, JS, Java, etc. But picking betqeen one of them is almost impossible. For game dev specifically, I’d suggest simple languages. Here’s a coulple things you should so:

  • don’t try switching too often
  • do not use Java unless you need to, C# is just Java but better.
  • at the start, don’t try low-level languages like Assembly, C, or C#.

I personally love Lua for its speed, simplicity, and lightweight form factor, with many engines too. I use Godot with GDScript for most serious games tho.

As for learning, youtube is a great start. Please do not go through tutorial hell (watching full feature tutorials, not being taught anything and instead copying code) and instead go through a couple tutorials to learn the basics, then only find tutorials for very specific features (say, if you want to implement a glow shader effect). I always use GIMP for image editing and Blender for modeling, and I VERY highly recommend Blender Guru for Blender tutorials.


Thanks for the help :)
(Actually Alr know some lau so i might be able to start sooner than i thought)

Nice, what do you know? It is very important to close-in on an engine, feel free to try several different ones before (I went through Roblox → Unity → Unreal Engine → several smaller, open-sourced 2d engines → Construct 3 → Construct 2 → Godot, over the course of several years) but constantly moving around engines will never land you any progress, so you must pick one at some point. I never made any big progress until I got to Godot.

There’s also custom engine creation, but it is FAR too difficult for any beginner (5 years in, still can’t make an engine with more than a global-coordinate-system, basic collision, some utilities, and simplified object creation)

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There’s no way in hell im making a Roblox game you lose like 65% revenue from that, I’ll prob use unreal

Of course it isn’t 65%… it’s 75%.

Those engines were not suggestions, they were just an example of what I did. Roblox was what brought me into this entire game-dev thing and taught me the most, so I mentioned it.

If you want ease-of-use, I would recommend Godot (simple, has support for C# and C++ if you are really advanced) because Unreal uses C++, a pretty advanced language (although they do have a visual scripting language) but the choice is fine, so long as you stay determined.

EDIT: Btw, Roblox is actually a great platform, because they give you all the multiplayer servers you’d ever need, so you wouldn’t have to pay for anything. Good if you are on a budget.

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uhh (me when juggling 5 projects + 1 game at once)

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Some considerations before use Unreal:
-Make sure you understand the C++ language
-Make sure your system has good specs or else you’ll be having 30-60 fps as unreal is a pretty high graphics game engine
-Look at any examples of people using before you make your mind/if it can be lowered or needs to be exactly matched to your game’s requirements

I’m getting a laptop with 16gb ram :augh: assuming that isn’t good enough

Not just ram, ssd is fine cus Unreal takes about 2-3 gb of your storage, your graphics card and CPU should be pretty high level. Check this for more: Hardware And Software Specifications For Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

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Tip of me:
Codd game is opn code and game code play game code gam