Trackpad v. mouse. (poll)

so everyone knows that using a mouse to pvp in is pretty much the default, and not many people play with trackpad because mouse is obviously better -

lol just joking guys, the actual answer is that it depends on personal preference.

however, not many people prefer trackpad, i’ve only met 5 people in the whole of who use trackpad (that i know of.)

  • mouse
  • or trackpad?
0 voters

so, what do you all think? do you prefer mouse or trackpad? me personally, i prefer mouse. it just helps me get more in tune in because i need to move my entire hand rather than my fingers.

I use trackpad because i do not have gud mouse


I’m forced to use the trackpad on my school computer so I just use keyboard for half of the controls because trackpad sux, when I’m not on my school computer I never touch the trackpad

Mouse. You should have a good explanation for using trackpad(if you use it), its super annoying for me, and for a lot of people.

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on my laptop I can’t use the trackpad if im using the keys :skull:

Back when swordbattle was unblocked at my school, I had to use trackpad when playing on my Chromebook. It felt a little weird, but it wasn’t that bad, I used my left hand for all keys (spacebar for swinging, C key for throwing, WASD), and my right hand hand for changing direction.

Imagine using a mouse and still having skill issues couldn’t be me. For me using a mouse means you have skill issues so like I have never used a mouse before to play sb and I am somehow extremely good :skull:


Track pad better than mouse in all games :ok_hand:

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Trackpad but only because I’m a laptop user and my mouse stopped working

bruh dude

Used mouse once but I’m better with trackpad

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