trying out polytonk v2!

(@bigfatgrub, there are some suggestions in here that i think you could look over! maybe some of them are fit for adding!)

so i came on today and noticed the pinned topic, about polytonk v2…i saw a lot of engagement and excitement there, so i decided to try it out!

(in this post i’ll be giving polytonk a rating in a variety of categories, along with an averaged rating in the end! also, i’ll be comparing various aspects of polytonk (when applicable) to to see who’s better!)

first thing i noticed is that the visuals are very appealing…’s also, in its own way, but i quite like the simplicity and smooth animations- also the fact that you can see a preview of the game from the home menu.

its home menu is also very clean and organized, unlike’s which seems to be rather clunky (although i think has better textures for the buttons and things)

next, we have in-game…one thing bugging me about polytonk is that it doesn’t have a play button to the game, just makes you press enter which is a bit different from the standard. its not bad, per se, but could take a while of getting used to.

now, the next part: ingame visuals. this took a lot of thought tbh, bc both games look outstanding in terms of simplicity and textures. but in the end, i think this one has to go to polytonk.

in terms of gameplay, i think polytonk is a lot more responsive in terms of cursor movement and things, and the movement is a lot more appealing than diep’s. since the game isnt really that public yet, though, there aren’t many people on the server which leads to less exciting pvp, but the bot seems to be really op-

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 3.34.48 PM

so maybe put a cap on the bot’s score on servers with less than 3 players in it?

i love the intro of bots, though, they seem to be decently smart and fun to play with. one thing also that i think would be cool would be to add acheivements (for example, dying at 0 (that would be funny) or performing a glitch, or really anything!

well, here is polytonk’s final rating:

textures/appearance: 9.5/10

menu/ui: 8.5/10

in-game mechanics: 9/10

gameplay: 7.5/10

total: 8.6/10 (estimated, actual is 8.625/10)

what do you guys think? do you agree with my rating? (:cookie: if u read this far without skimming :] )

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Thank you for the feedback I will try to add some of these features to the game :smile:

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great game, btw! and sounds great! tysm!

No problem

oh, and btw, is it intentional that when u get to level 50 it takes a REALLY long time to get to the next level?

time for me to make a billion topics on polytonk bc of how fun the game is-

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Would be simple to add, I’ll consider

Im gonna cap bot xp sometime dw

Thinking of adding them, but it would be a pretty major overhaul when they are added

Thank you :) glad to see your opinion of the game

great! thanks so much.

mhm i thought it seemed a bit too op- xD

agreed, probably, if this were to be added, this would be a rather major update to the game.

no problem! :]

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yeah you cant upgrade anyway past lvl 50


ohh alr makes sense

im making one now lol

very pro

@incognitoes I’ve added the play button

very nice! tysm!

No Problem