V2 Logout Bug

I heard there was a bug with V2 that caused some people to be logged out often and automatically. I have been working on changes to fix this, here let me know if this is still an issue so I can investigate


I sometimes get this issue but I’ve only found that it happens when I go from the leaderboard page bsck to the main page, and it doesnt happen that much

Still an issue but I’m guessing you only started to work on it. Tell us when you pushed something out in this topic so we can tell you

Idk why its happening can you send logs maybe, it happened to me once but no errors in log but just want to confirm

Do you guys disable cookies or something on your browser?

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I’ll check but I’m on safari ipad if that helps

Nope they’re enabled

I have an ipad too so I’ll test it after school, I haven’t really tested much on non-Chrome browsers so that might be why

Yea I suppose so apple kinda sucks with compatibility ngl

what going on this time?

This is happening it auto logs out each time I load the page

This never happened in v1 so maybe borrow the code from there?

Swordbattle saying Oops Disconnected

Problem is the v1 login system is kinda insecure

Oh then that is a fair concern

Whats going on with yall’s computers… i’ve been playing just fine since release but i think its because im on chrome + website + personal computer

I’m on iPad not a computer lol. But you have the ideal setup for not getting bugs

It’s just I am a lone dev and I just test everything on chrome on my home computer and when I launch to players who don’t have my setup it causes issues. V1 also had a lot of bugs but as time went on I fixed them slowly to the point where the code became stable even though it looked terrible.

Yea it’s fine it takes time that’s all. Small but regular fixes are all that matter

then why don’t you ask for help from other people?