Work-in-progress shooter game

Should be unblocked on pretty much every school computer btw

under heavy development, daily updates, lmk your thoughts


will check it ou!


lol, i will bump it for you. did you make this game yourself?

Yes I did, will get breaking updates every single day during beta

Just today I added

  • Assault rifle
  • Knife
  • UI changes
  • more lenient anticheat

Hey this is pretty neat!

No mobile support? :augh:

This is very good, the looking is a bit buggy for me, im not sure if its a thing the game has or just a bug but just lyk. and i like the post-processing-ish effect to the camera

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i join this game and there was a kid called code 98 or something idk the name was small but if you see him please kill him cus he is kinda annoying and keeps spawn killing but @coding398 its a fun game except when it lags which is annoying but please ban code 98 cuz i think hes hacking

That was me! Join back and train, get a bit better at it.

If you get kicked by the anticheat, it’s most likely your internet connection and/or FPS. I’m working on it!

Have some feedback… when ur playing on touch/without a mouse, the player look is very glitchy, and also instead of slowing down the players speed while aiming, lower the aim sens as well. Also i clapped u for a bit there

It seems as though I need to work more on performance before it can be great for everyone. I’m taking lots of notes

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It follows your mouse, so I’m not sure why that would happen. What device & browser are you on?


I had some reports of mouse bugginess on Chromebooks before, so I’ll definitely look into that. Player movement was smooth though, right?

Yup everything was great

That’s really nice to hear. I’m going to be implementing a performance mode soon:tm:.

The game should be much more fun with other people, though.

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@harsh looking into something, what was your FPS & ping? (top right)

fps varied on the devices, on chromebook i got around 30-60, on my normal device, 120+ Ping was about the same range 30-50

Did you move around faster/slower on different devices?