All Castaway Dialogue Discovered So Far

@TheDarkLord this will probably help with your lore making

Below are all of the valid keywords to ask castaway:

Goblin, erthium eye, mech terror, help, hi, hello, sup, gnome, zombie, ancient statue, the s word and rhino (castaway responds the same as with hi, hello, or sup for some reason), slime, skins, missions, caves, snow, lava, woodlands, big ooze, castaway, futurepear

And finally, if you ask castaway “Who are you”, then he will respond “I forgot”, “Who am I”, or “I was here long ago”

There’s also a glitch where if you spam random stuff it gives you a greetings message

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how tf did i not know like 80% of these

There are more keywords: Jungle, thang, paladin, Erthenton, castaway, bug, chicken, savanna, portal, alpine, taiga, erthium(responds the same as hi, hello, or sup), graveyard, whirlpool(responds the same as hi, hello, or sup), birds, saplet, toadstool, caecilian, spike, grassland, crates, amphibians(responds the same as hi, hell, or sup), boss, and weapon. I am sure there are more.

“Thang” is actually slang for Prookl in thong if you did not know

I don’t care.

i figured out why rhino, whirlpool, erthium, and the s word work:

they all have the word “hi”, inside them

1000 iq play omfg

Yes, you do.

most were added in the newest updates

how come paladin works but not any other weapon?