Building, farming, and raiding in


To build an ¨unraidable base¨ in, you must effectively utilize turrets, doors, and spikes these are crucial for creating a strong base. The turrets provide defensive firepower, doors control access points, and spikes stop enemy movement. Strategically placing turrets near entrances, reinforcing doors with additional layers, and surrounding the base with spikes can enhance its defensive capabilities. Remember to regularly maintain and upgrade these defenses to stay one step ahead of opponents.

Also, the strategic implementation of towers, windows, and defensive mechanisms plays a vital role in establishing a formidable base. Towers serve as a means to unleash powerful offensive firepower upon the enemy players, while windows provide to vantage points for accurate targeting. By effectively positioning these structures near key access points, players can effectively control the flow of enemy player’s movements and restrict their progress. Additionally, incorporating defensive measures such as iron doors and spiked barriers further enhances the base’s defensive capabilities, discouraging enemy infiltration. It is important to consistently maintain and upgrade these defenses to stay ahead of opponents and ensure the safety of your bed or teammates.


To maximize gold production in, it is crucial to establish efficient wheat farms. These farms serve as the primary source of income, allowing players to accumulate wealth and strengthen their position. To build a wheat farm you must understand the following:

  1. Location is key: Choose a strategic location for your wheat farms. Look for areas with a lot of space to cultivate a large number of crops. Additionally, consider proximity to other resources and defensive structures to ensure optimal efficiency and protection.

  2. Upgrade your farms: Invest in upgrading your wheat farms to increase their productivity. Upgrades can include advanced more spots for wheat, defensive turrets, more farmers, and chests to store loot. These upgrades will result in higher amounts of wheat and ultimately lead to more gold generation.

  3. Protect your farms: Safeguarding your wheat farms is essential to maintain a steady flow of gold. Build defensive structures such as walls, towers, and traps around your farms to deter enemy players’ raids and protect your valuable resources. Additionally, consider assigning other players to patrol the area and fend off potential threats.

  4. Maintain a steady supply: Regularly replant and harvest your crops to ensure a consistent supply of wheat. Neglecting your farms can lead to a shortage of resources and gold.


Utilizing effective defensive strategies and working together as a team, you can successfully defend your bed in One important tactic is to team with other players and gather resources regularly. This will provide crucial support in defending your bed. Another key strategy is to upgrade your defenses by constructing walls and towers. You can obtain the necessary materials through mining, buying, or killing other players. By creating a strong barrier, you will collectively stop attackers. Additionally, setting up traps and obstacles will add layers of defense. As you progress in the game, it is important to strategically upgrade your defenses to match the increasing threats. Reinforce your walls, enhance your blocks with spikes or stronger materials, and incorporate more complex traps to stay ahead of your enemies. By continuously improving your defensive capabilities and working together with your team, you can successfully defend your bed in

How to raid bases using grenades, rocket launchers, and pickaxes in

Utilizing effective offensive strategies and working together to form raids are crucial to becoming an unstoppable team inside With careful planning and skilled execution, you can efficiently raid bases and break their beds. One crucial tactic is to carefully choose your arsenal, which includes grenades, rocket launchers, and pickaxes, in order to maximize the damage inflicted on enemy structures. By strategically targeting weak points and exploiting vulnerabilities, you can swiftly destroy their defenses. Additionally, teamwork is paramount in executing successful raids. It is best to coordinate with your teammates to synchronize your attacks, overwhelm the defenders, and create chaos within their base. It is also important to gather intelligence on the base layout and the location of valuable resources to optimize your raiding efforts. By combining this planning, with precise execution, and effective communication, you can become a formidable force in raiding bases in

How to use SMGs, Snipers, and Shotguns in

To effectively use SMGs, snipers, and shotguns in, it is essential to understand the unique characteristics of each weapon and play to their strengths.

When using an SMG, it is important to be in close proximity to your enemies to ensure maximum effectiveness. The high rate of fire of SMGs allows for rapid and continuous damage, making them ideal for close-quarters combat. Aim for the center of the player to increase the chances of hitting them with multiple bullets.

Snipers, on the other hand, excel at long-range engagements. Take advantage of their high accuracy and powerful shots by maintaining distance from your enemies. Aim for headshots to maximize damage and eliminate targets with a single shot. Remember to be patient and take your time to line up the perfect shot.

Shotguns are particularly useful in tight spaces or when ambushing opponents in small rooms, or caves. Their wide spread of pellets can deal devastating damage at close range. To make the most of shotguns, position yourself strategically and surprise your enemies with a quick burst of firepower. However, keep in mind that shotguns have limited range, so it’s important to close the gap between you and your target quickly.

I hope this helps you understand building, farming, and raiding in

Building, fortifying, and raiding are crucial aspects of To succeed in the game, it is essential to grasp these mechanics. Building structures play a vital role in fortifying your base and safeguarding it against enemy assaults. Farming resources guarantees the sustainability of your operations and ensures a steady supply of gold. By mastering these elements, you will greatly increase your chances of thriving in Lurkers.


Is there anything I should add?

This is amazing!

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thats pretty chad worthy


Bedwars Tips

:skull: bro stole my post basicly /;

Good tips.

Some other useful things to know:

  • Berry farms yield more gold, but don’t heal as much as bread.
  • Having the high ground increases your chances of headshots which gives you a big advantage.

I just did wheat cause I felt like it /; also wheat is easy to buy :D

I thought you can’t buy wheat blocks in bedwars… only berry bushes?

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Im getting flashbacks writing this instead of my exam :skull:

You are all talents, I am lagging behind

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I just checked lurkers- its doing really good!!