Evolution Ideas for future updates

evolves from berserker
is very fast
lower sword throw cooldown
ABILITY: invisibility

evolves from berserker
has a health buff compared to berserker
does more damage than berserker
ABILITY: berserker ability

evolves from tank
has a speed buff compared to tank
does more damage compared to tank
ABILITY: tank ability

evolves from tank
has a health buff compared to tank
does more damage compared to tank
ABILITY: invincibility (long cooldown)

evolves from ninja and warrior
has ninja speed
has warrior damage
has more health compared to warrior
ABILITY: berserker ability

evolves from juggernaut and knight
has knight health
has juggernaut damage
ABILITY: tank ability

evolves from warrior and juggernaut
has buffed damage
has buffed health
ABILITY: invincibility

evolves from knight and ninja
has buffed speed
has buffed damage
has lower throw cooldown
ABILITY: no throw cooldown

Theres this too
Either way when gautam adds more evolutions I hope theres more throwing classes, I mean sure you don’t throw swords realistically but its a feature that doesn’t have that much content to it

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