New Game Feature for Bosses

I agreee! :+1:

or like, this other idea i had
prob not gonna get added though
u can use shards to enchant your sword
and roku shards will give a burn effect
and yeti shards can freeze or slow ur enemies down temporarily

but the effect would be stronger with a hit, not throw


this might help runners though

and maybe shards could be used to heal the bosses?

oh and also, if u use a roke enchant on ur sword, u do more damage to yeti
and the opposite for roku


Secret Minecraft update???

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yes to what?
runners getting buffed?
or healing bosses?

To the runner getting freezed

no i mean
if someone is running
and they have that enchant
they can freeze their pursuer

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Oh nvm that helps runners out :sob:


maybe it could cancel out if u have the fire enchant?

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That could work but that could get confusing and messy tho :/

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maybe not have freeze or slow for ice enchant

what else could it use?

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another idea for enchants
there could a special move button, like ability
and it could do a special enchant related move
fire could make everyone around u get burned
and ice could freeze them, or could spawn ice crystals

Like a boost like you click, like you set a key bind or like “Q,” and then the way you’re aiming it quickly boosts you that way?

Caseoh enchant fr

for what?
an enchant?
or regularly?

Like maybe you get a certain amount of coins and get it? Also, you could upgrade that ability on the home screen/load-in screen. There would also be other abilities u could unlock/upgrade

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Also there is sooo many topics about stuff to add to but like none of it is probably gonna get added :( :sob: COME ON GUATAM…

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yeah ikr bro :sob: