New Game Feature for Bosses

Hello everybody, this is my proposal on a new game feature I like to call… Relics

So, what are Relics?

  • Relics are a way to summon bosses to spawn like the yeti and lava boss

  • Instead of waiting for the boss to spawn, you could collect 4 Relics and go to a spawnage point, where you could place the Relic and spawn the boss.

So, where do you get Relics?

  • Relics are dropped when breaking a chest

  • The higher the chest rarity is, the more chance you get of obtaining a Relic

  • Players that hold a Relic will drop it upon death

  • Each boss has their own specific Relic, so the lava boss has fire Relics and the ice boss needs ice Relics to spawn

Cool - but what else does the Relics do?

  • Honestly I have no idea what the Relics could do, but I don’t want them to be an item that can be abused or used to gain more power

Can Relics be placed by other people? How many do you need to spawn the boss?

  • I believe it can be a team effort, but the idea of only one person can spawn is also interesting

  • You only need 4 Relics to spawn the boss

Anything else you wanna yap about?

  • Players that have a Relic will show a small symbol next to their name, signalling that they hold a Relic

  • Once the originally-spawned boss is defeated, you can immediately summon another boss (still no boss-spamming, just no cooldown between boss spawns)

  • A player can only hold a max of 4 Relics, which is the necessary amount to spawn the boss

TLDR: cool way to summon the boss instead of wasting your fish-size attention span

Any further questions/complaints are welcome in the chat box!
(I do realize this is a challenge for Gautam to code, but I believe this would be a great addition to spice up the game!)


Pretty cool idea, sounds like fun.

Just to play devil’s advocate, wouldn’t decreasing the spawn timers for the bosses achieve a similar result and be less work? Why bother adding this feature?


Yeah sounds fun, game needs an update wether its this or what i think cool guy said in a differnt post.(maybe someone else said it but idk)

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its cooler


Thanks for the feedback, I think this stems from the spawn cooldown timer, so I have made some revisions and instead of a 7 min cooldown, you now can only spawn a boss after the original spawned-boss is killed

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Me like idea


Yeah W idea

That’s a bit better since it makes boss spawn rate somewhat proportional to players online. More player online means more relics which means more bosses spawning. Win-win for everyone!


Yeah but we all know even if Gautam likes this idea it wouldn’t see sunlight for like a year… just like what happened t ov2 :skull:


Is there any suggestions about what else could Relics could do to make it more interesting, or is this good enough?

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Maybe holding the relics for an extended period awards some bonus, like extra gems upon death? Kinda like a king of the hill concept.


i thought of smthn good
then forgot
will tell later if I remember


Come on a bot u gotta spit out ur ideas as soon as u think of them :augh: :sob:

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Yeah idk but then i would break the game for having them for too long XD

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I’d kill you eventually xD

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Yeah, in a million years yeah…

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then maybe, no matter how many u have, it applies the same boost

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Specifically you and only you oy :joy:


i remembered !!!
u can use shards to help TAME the boss
u get tamer evolution
and bosses are a really low taming chance
you can use shards to improve you chances


Bruh… This applies to everyone ok… ._.