New Game Feature for Bosses

its also prob hard for him to find all of them
cuz they might be hidden in a topic somewhere

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Yeah fr and with how inactive he is rn there is no way he could find them buried in these huge topics :skull:

it would be easier
if we had a wishlist somewhere…

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I could say the same that forum should have vc’s :sob: and when I brought that idea some dumbo said "UHHHH WELL WE GOT DISC UHHHH YEAH :nerd_face: "Like bro I cant be on disc all day long like I am on forum lmaoo

Idea bucket wiki?

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making it rn


How do you even make a wiki post? Is it something for tier 2?

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tier 2 or 3 i think
Also what even is a wiki a bot?

Like the same thing as the player tier list no? Like people other than the author can edit it.


Oh yeah like the undefeated post? Thats a wiki?

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its done

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yeah i saw too many comments one XD 20 comments in like 5 minutes :skull:


hold on
was i saying shards this whole time?


yep u have been XD

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This is a good idea, it doesn’t give a in-game ability but still rewards the player, very nice

For the KOTH idea, you could set a bounty or smth like that for coins or gems or XP…

W idea, Ill add it to the post

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This is another good idea, but can u actually tame the boss?
I like it, W idea so everybody doesn’t just use vampire 100% of the time

If this were to be added to the game, I imagine it will be very quick and sorta defensive (less damage), just to prevent sweats from getting even sweatier and everybody getting mad when 5 kids turn the ability on to run away

Good idea, just we need to make sure that Relics aren’t Medalions from Fortnite that made anyone holding them unkillable


Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I’m also trying to think of new and better ideas for Relics but I feel like Relics are good the way it is.

If I see an idea that gives a bonus to the player without making it OP, I’ll add it

We just have to wait and hope @gautam sees this

during the time when people were talking about taming
there were ideas to make bosses tamable, but at a very low chance