Pressing hint basically gives you the exact location

The hint provides a circle where the area can be. I’ve tested this with various community maps, and they all have the actual location roughly at the center of the circle. I’m able to get ~2000 points consistently per round in community maps and singleplayer just by eyeballing the center of the hint area. Tested this in while as a guest, then as a player with no difference. Seems like an easy way to rack up ~200 xp in about a minute. Seems significant since No. 1 in leaderboard today is ~10k, which would be about an hour of grinding just doing this.

Here’s examples:

Guessing the exact spot with a glitched map

After the ss for this one I adjusted my pin on the map a little

Normal map


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Great tip.

Found an instance where the actual location wasn’t roughly central, but the hint relative to the exact location remains the same


@gautam make it harder for them hehehe

750 brain iq move
make it one of these things,

  1. make it so the hint button has a wider area, so like instead of it circling flordia directly or the few states above flordia, it would circle the entire united states, that makes i so that they know the general area, and we can’t forget about our center problem, so you can make it so that instead of it being in roughly the center, it can be made so that the location is like the hint circle would now state in one of the places in the circle, so instead of it being roughly in the center the location could be horizontal of the center or vertically or both and the location could be angled, it could be a code that makes the circle show an area but make it so the circle is not roughly giving it away, (sorry if i sound like an idiot im trash in coding) so the circle itself would make it confusing yet easier to guess, i leave it up to you on how you make the circle more confusing an idea is for it to highlight the continent, like it highlights north america and that makes it easier, but use what i said earlier to make it not OBVIOUS.

2.make the hint button point in the general direction, so instead of it circling an area you can make an arrow to point in the general direction of the place, like imagine the place was in Canada, you could make an arrow pointing in the direction of it, so that way it helps them, but they still have to guess, to make it more clear make the arrow angle toward the place, to make it less, just use a normal arrow and make it angle in the direction of the area, not in a i gave it away kind of way but in the its in canada so lets point towards america and canada kinda way, makes it so it helps but doesn’t deadbeat give it away.

  1. Make it so the hint button tells you something about the area of the place, so like if the location is in georgia you could make it say, the location is associated with a fruit and that kind of thing, but if that is too much of a giveaway you can make the button tell you something about the AREA that the location is in, so like if it was in canada it could say, the place is cold, gets rid of most of everything except for Canada and Russia right? but you still have to think. another idea is that it says something historical about the place or area, so it makes it say if it was boston, a massacre happened here, well maybe not as obviously but you get the idea. Also you should probably make it so that that all the things in this paragraph could be used with another, like it could tell you about a fact AND other stuff to help.

  2. make the ways the hint button helps you random, you can use all of the stuff but, you should make them random every time a hint is used it changes the way its gonna help you to smth else each time like you just used the hint and got the arrow, next you get a highlight of the place and so on, another thing is that you should make limited hint usage at a time, like you start with 3 hints and say you use them all, you have to get a guess or guesses in a area that is considered close enough to get another hint ofc it won’t count if your using a hint it makes it so that you actually have to guess places instead of spamming hint button. it would make the game more challenging and less i i click hint ok it there ooh ooh ah ah i win you get me? also you should make it so that you can’t use hit EVERY round, like you just started guessing and you use hint then you use all your hint immediately instead of that make it so that you might not get to use a hint every round, like you might get to use a hint but then the hint button stops glowing so you cant use it until it glows agaiin i leave it up to you to decide how many rounds and allathat

it took me FOREVER to do this but hope it helps, sorry if some of the things i suggested are already implemented in the game i don’t play worldguessr for now and i know some things would take a while to add and code and some might be outright impossible or too much, i hope some of you guys have some ideas for the hint button too so we can nerf it to high hell >:D these things might not be the right type of things to add into the game idk just had to say it >:) also can i get help on makin a acc if i decide to play

~ Rogergod
before i forget @ioi

Something like this would only work for large countries. It can be abused just like the current hint area for smaller countries. There are also city-specific community maps so this wouldn’t be great.

This could work, but I think a more random solution would make more sense, not something that has concrete logic.

I’d imagine the community would be able to triangulate their location by using that arrow, kinda like Minecraft speedruns with throwing the eyes of ender.

Not sure how this could be done as is. An arrow pointing in a direction could be good if it remains static, maybe based on the current location marked on the map. I’d imagine it being exploitable tho.

Maybe as a different game mode with multiple guesses, after your first guess it would point in the direction.

TLDR: replace current hint system with trivia about the area

Problem with this is the sheet amount of info about places and the specificity.
If it were more general and country-based, then players would just memorize every trivia question and guys the country instantly. Makes the game less about guessing locations and more like a Quizlet with extra steps.
If it were more specific, then there would be way too many trivia questions. It would be a huge pain to sort out and automatically assign to regions of the map.

Seems like a lot of work for no reason. Randomness would be good for the current hint area tho.

I’d recommend just playing the game since this wouldn’t make sense for how the game is actually played.
Hints are only available in singleplayer and you get one per round for 5 total rounds.
A limited hint pool for an entire game would be interesting tho.

Not that hard, you can sign up easy with a Google account.