Realmz Stickers

I’m thinking about making digital Realmz-themed stickers just for fun. But, as I’ve been considering it, I’ve struggled to come up with any good ideas for stickers or small illustrations based on the game. I’ve thought about it a lot, but I’m drawing a blank. So, if anyone has any suggestions for things that would look cool as digital stickers, I’d love to hear them.

I can’t promise I’ll actually do this, but I’m interested in hearing any fun or interesting ideas anyone might have.

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Mechanical terror thingimabob that they all talk abou

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realmz character with a paladin about to smash somethin

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all bosses combined sticker

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  1. Futurepear
  2. Castaway
  3. Gnome
  4. Slime
  5. Red Mage Skin with Infernal Staff
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this isn’t really an idea, but I bet it’d look amazing if they were drawn in a cutesy style

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