Who do you guys think the worst player is? I usually hear noobs like hi, agenthershey, and intrepidsword, but I’m kinda wondering who yall really think it is. Personally, I think its someone like agenthershey or agentcracker cuz Ive never seen those trashcans even above lvl 50 .
It’s me fr
slap is sad rn don’t worry abt what he says
holup im not anoob im on rn 1v1 me
this is so hard to describe the “worst player” this means they have to be returning, but they’re also learning about the game still getting more experience, which means the actual worst is a random guest that doesnt even know how to attack, but they aren’t returning like a player would.
so like idk maybe its agentclan losers
I know I am not the worst player because I don’t even play the game anymore.
Nah it me fr
I’m def not the worst
bruh, i’m the worst player, I don’t have a single kill yet
my friend is 10chen a bot real
my highest level is 72.
take that as you will
Locked post - this post has no value it just bullies players
Locked? I can still close the post thi
Idk how to lock
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