The Party of the Socialist Starlight Clan has officially announced the creation of Starlight Clan following the dismantling of Gpd. Gpd members will now be switched into Starlight members. Our goal is to become one of the most successful clans in the history of Realmz.io.
Communism & Socialism
Most democratic countries give you the impression that communism is a demon. Communism and Socialism are not bad ideas even though all the communist countries usually are worse than democratic ones. I believe Communism could work in Realmz.io. Our gains are your gains.
Joining is like joining any other clan. You have to put [SL] In your name to join, Unless given a pass. You cannot join if the General Secretary, Polar Drac has allowed you to join. We will have a Discord Server and a Forum Chat to get onto the latest news. We hope to see you soon in Starlight Clan!
I will not be accepting current or ex- DN Clan members as well as current Tri- Allies members.
For anyone asking me about the war, TH and other clans owned by “User_Anonymous” have declared war because of SL Supporting someone Called SAW. They have said they will use everything they have against Starlight Clan, But I Know that starlight will thrive.