Swordbattle.io PvP Analysis #1 (Shadowblade)

so you may have seen my post earlier about my decision to restart my pvp analysis series… (I'm re-starting it. (finally.))

and here it is, the first episode of my pvp analysis series. we are starting off the series with @Shadowblade!

basically, how Shadowblade will be rated is that he will be rated from 1 to 10 in 4 categories to assess a variety of skills:

  1. spacing (consistent w/s/taps while comboing, or just making sure their distance between their opponent and them stays roughly the same)

  2. aim (showing steady aim, missing as little hits/sword throws as possible)

  3. prediction (predicting their opponent’s movements and changing their gameplay to reflect those movements to hinder/stop them)

  4. consistency/survival (surviving for long stretches of time consistently - to do this they must demonstrate that they won’t get killed immediately after spawning in)

then after these categories are rated, the average will be the overall rating of the episode’s user - in this case, Shadowblade.

also, note that i had two other people make their own ratings: the final rating of Shadowblade in each of these categories is our ratings averaged together.

well, let’s begin: for the first category, spacing, Shadowblade suggested i review his yt channel for this video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llVc6HK4P_g (please watch before continuing)

here we see that right from the start Shadowblade does a good job keeping consistent spacing in between them and Gautam.

in fact, for almost the whole entire video, Shadowblade generally kept a consistent difference between the opponent. however, sometimes Shadowblade strayed too far out and broke the closeness, as well as also occasionally becoming too close, leading to hit vulnerability.

and so, for those reasons stated above, we decided that Shadowblade’s spacing rating would be a 8.9/10: great demonstration save for a couple of misjudgements.

the next category: aim.

for this category, Shadowblade gave us this video to use for the rating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSsQxePBnhY (again, please make sure to watch before continuing)

now, in this video we can see that while fighting Frager201, Shadowblade’s cursor consistently had his cursor on Frager, even when Frager strafed or moved outwards.

because of this, Shadowblade’s aim was almost perfect, except for a couple of moments when Shadowblade missed some hits and sword throws, like at 0:35 when Shadowblade’s cursor was stagnent for a moment, unmoving.

for this category, we decided Shadowblade’s rating was 9.5/10: Shadowblade’s aim was very accurate save for a few times when he missed sword throws/hits and for one time when his cursor stopped moving.

after those two, we have prediction, perhaps one of the more important skills in pvp.

for the prediction category, Shadowblade sent me this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr1dHOVH7uE

it opens the scene at where Shadowblade is 2v1ing a pair of fishermen. it is going quite well for him, but the real moment where the prediction part of the category comes at 0:13, where he notices one of the fisherman beserked and strafed past the second one to block the fisherman’s path, a clear demonstration of his prediction.

however, we noticed that no other prominent demonstrations of Shadowblade’s ability to predict opponents show up in his clip.

because of that we give Shadowblade a 9.2 at prediction: while his one demonstration was very clear and showed definite skill, that was the only major demonstration of his prediction.

and, last but not least, consistency/survival.

to demonstrate his consistency/survival, Shadowblade sent me this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-BT2w0Qis4

we can see from watching this video that Shadowblade was overall excellent at staying alive and escaping near death even at a lower evolution then the fisherman who were attacking him.

a notable example of this would be at 1:34 when Shadowblade got rushed into the map’s corner by a fisherman w/ their ability. though Shadowblade was much weaker, he managed to land a long combo on the fisherman and escape being killed.

however, sometimes Shadowblade would make the wrong decision in terms of when to throw their sword and when to be offensive vs defensive, etc.

because of this we give Shadowblade a 8.5/10.

now that we have rated Shadowblade’s pvp skills under individual categories, it is time to find their overall score, which, after adding them all together, averaging, and rounding the result, Shadowblade’s final, overall rating turns out to be 9/10! congrats, Shadowblade!

also, here’s a cookie for reading this long of a post: :cookie:

thanks for reading my post, drop a like/follow if you enjoyed! comment down below what you think about the first post of the series! any questions, comments, or suggestions?

also, please don’t drop hate comments just because you don’t agree with the ratings…everyone is human, and i had people put in their opinions to make the ratings as balanced as possible! (that being said, if you would like to join those people comment below!)


This is very helpful for learning his weakness :+1:

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Ur in no place to rate legends like shadowblade. No one can truly rate someone other in a quantity like this. And missing a shot is a terrible way to rate someonr. U dont knoe ehats going on their mind. If im trying to corner smon ofc ill throw my shot a bit off to the side so they dont go there. But ud never know tht. Some peiple just have different styles. Archergods would LOVE spacing but u cant judge them for that
Ur weaknessanalysis xan pass off tho


Thank you for calling me a legend lol, I’m very flattered/honored.

I am very pleased with incog’s analysis, I think it described my fighting style very accurately. I was looking very forward to this, since it’s very interesting to hear how other people see my skills. Can’t wait to see more of these!

i understand your concern but it was not only me who rated shadowblade, i had people help me do it: how it worked is i averaged out our results in the end. :slight_smile:

i actually just put it in the post to let people be aware of it, but it actually didn’t effect shadow’s rating at all.

true, i never asserted that i knew what was going on in shadowblade’s mind at the time, i was just making observations. i understand why you might think that though.

thanks so much, i’m glad you think so. :slight_smile:

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thanks so much! expect episode two soon.

why would the distance need to be the same, if someone got too far or too close it could be because of their strategy, needing to regen or being very aggresive and trying to push your opponent into a corner or wall.

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honestly, these categories aren’t really the best, you should definitely add a category like hit timing, or movement.


that’s a great idea, next time i will add those? what do you guys think?

the wording was a bit unclear, i agree: basically what i meant was that they would stay close enough to be able to engage in pvp with them, but far enough so that they don’t get hit by the opponent.

Movement would probably be a better category than spacing. Actually, aim is okay. Replace prediction with hit timing?


alright, so i will replace spacing in the future with movement. but actually, i still would like to keep aim because…well…if you can’t aim, you can’t really pvp, can you?

consistency is also not really a category that fits pvp, it fits something like grinding better. You can’t really decide if people have good consistency from a clip of them fighting.


Oh, I was the one who suggested this category. I thought it focused more on the survival aspect, and how you’d fare against tough fights, like against teamers.

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yeah, sometimes there is no one online and you dont have to face ppl

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Can i be next

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