Swordbattle is un-enjoyable now, ngl

could be a skill issue im ngl but the pvp feels off? and afking and hoping no one kills you till a boss spawns is boring man


I mean is PvP that bad? We always say it is “off” but what does that even mean?

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I joined the game like three days ago, give me a break

Doesn’t really matter, just beat them

Just don’t go to red and attack everyone

Rook PVP is actually great, it has great base stats so you can 5KO people with no health

Get closer, get better at aiming

Yeah that’s why I kill literally anyone I can

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Yeah Penguin, your HIM. Your the best player in the game…lol. The thing is when you attack random people they start teaming up on you. I know your pretty damn good, but if your someone whos saying “I could take on the entire server” in V2 and in the situations I’ve been in I KNOW your caping like hell. Now don’t get me wrong, your pretty damn good but cheese is something that takes skill out of games.

But also I’d rather have a fun 1v1, not a team battle. I like to pick my fights, its more fun that way. It actually requires skill.

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Nuh uh

I could take 5 players, even if there are 20 players 15 of them just like breaking chests and don’t team up on me

You do you, but I can tell you that at one point (after being backstabbed multiple times by kids that spin and say “team”) Killing everyone is extremely satisfying

Ok, but facing teamers requires skill too


When I say this I mean, even if I get killed idrc and can slowly drop them off 1 by 1 (they suck at breaking chests for some reason)

Your lucky af then. Everytime I join and start killing people everyone gets the idea of, “Oh crap this guy is good. Lets jump him.” and then I get jumped. Like I’ve said, I’ve fought and won in things like 1v4’s but in V2 the wave of new, cheesy players and broken evos really ups the toughness of these 4v1 battles that it not only becomes a 5(possibly more)v1 battle it also becomes very unfair and circumstanceal. Yeah people are saying, “skill issue” but it isn’t a skill issue because if I was just “better” than all the problems would be gone. No, thats not how it works. At this point the cheese and even larger teaming nowadays throws anyone’s skill out the window. Anyone who says otherwise, I truly believe they are simply capping.

Fr, that’s why I trying to kill all of them

(and spawnkill them so they never come back but we don’t talk about that)

Ok. So your telling me that for now, I should just go the genocide route? Bruh, I’m still gonna have the entire server after me. But ok. If it works for you it must work.

your choise but I just love GENOCIDE!!

Bet. Genocide it is.

im not really having any problems tbh, the only time it wasn’t enjoying sb was when Berserker was OP asf, now that their new evols stronger and some weaker, I don’t really mind(like you said some players won’t be struggling, I’m one of them) but the teaming has to relax a bit tho

plz bigger map Average Player Count is 30 To 41


@gautam, id say to not worry about it too much. people’s tastes in games change, like i know that later i will get back into sb, idk when though- and soon people will appreciate the amount of sheer effort that went into the game, i can say with absolute certainty.

i, personally, think the community is the biggest problem, but the game is actually peaked, right here right now.

people will love v2 more after each update, trust.

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I agree. I hope that people can see that I ain’t hating on the game, I know that Gautam has to work his butt off on these things, but these were just somethings that were making the game not as fun. But honestly the game itself has gotten WAY more fun than in the previous update. @gautam thank you for making this update and I look forward to new ones anytime you release them. Please don’t take this post as a hateful or insult to SB. I just wanted to let people on the forum know some common problems with the new update (as there are with ANY game that has updates and is worth playing) and wanted to see the community’s thoughts on these small matters.

ive just learned to deal with teaming
just alternate attacks between them, always go backwards, and use swordthrow often

When I fight against teamers, I feel genuine joy. It’s more challenging/interesting than fighting newbies 1 on 1.


Im not reading all of this but i think it would be 10x better if fish skin was added back