the best rising pvper?

(post highly requested by wasd lmao-)

so i hopped on sb, and wasd showed me this guy, Player (not signed in)…

it turns out, Player beat both oy and angel, both incredibly good players. wasd actually requested this post, because i think Player could be one the best rising pvpers…and maybe eventually, with training, one of the best pvpers.

(note: this info was all passed on, so if any of it was incorrect please lmk if you guys have more information)

anyhow, the fact Player beat both oy and angel speaks a lot about his skill…so the question i have for y’all is, is he one of the best rising pvpers?

it sure seems so…(if he’s still on now, try going on sb. i got this info a few minutes before making this post).


did the player beat oy tdy?

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definitely relatively recent, im not sure about whether it was today or not but definitely recently, within a few days


if it was today it was me on oys acc lmaoo


Oh :skull:

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Sword told me it and so did Sundavar so two people kinda gives it some grounds

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oop- well was it today?

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yeah, agreed

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Well Sundavar was talking about it a while back on 6th turns it has been a slow week

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okay, then no right?

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Nah it wasn’t today

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oh then wasnt me lol

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might be num 1

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To be 100% Honest During My After Summer and Before Christmas I might have been the best PVPer of that time (maybe)

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Eh it’s probably some veteran player just not logged in.

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could be but he doesn’t act like any player I know

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Ah this reminds me of that time I was on manage’s blacklist for making anime skin and he wasn’t signed in, I didn’t know if it was really him so I didn’t realize until it was too late, and he destroyed me

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Yes… I still feel the consequences today

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