the best rising pvper?

nah, they beat num1 too i think

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its acol lol

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That would be hilarious, I hopped on for a bit to try but died twice then started lagging like crazy :skull:

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my life in SB is lag
cant even 1v1 people I used to no-dif :sob:

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it’s gotten so much worse recently, my fps used to be around 30-60 and 80sh max, but now I would be suprised if I get 10 fps. I literally can’t even play anymore, that’s one of the reasons I haven’t been playing lately

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my ping is constantly orbiting 200 lol

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200 ping is great

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what world are you from?

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WHAT?? is it just me or do i get consistant 10-20 for ping, occasionally 50?

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exactly… :sob:

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The world where I consistently get 580 ping

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what did I do…?

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even with lag spikes, i dont think thats normal

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i get 250, then the ping spikes when I send movement packets to the server. @gautam can you simplify the packets uploaded to the game for movement, so that it doesn’t take that much data going back and forth once finals are over. my ping will thank you, and I might solo this game over the summer instead of minecraft

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angel dont play much or at all sometimes oy just been playing way less so no wonder.


In that case, who could it be? Maybe coolguy, or penguin?

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I don’t pvp


pls dont hurt me lol

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