the best rising pvper?

I only have the basic skill of pvp to beat 90% of players (when I don’t have horrible ping or fps)

Yeah lots of the new players have no pvp knowledge they just use their ability when they feel like it and they never back up inbetween hits and shots

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Maybe Manage?

Imagine it is a extremely good bit for the game lol

me who gets 80 to 50: 37 FPS


agreed, they RUN TOO :sob:

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Oy better

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Look who liked it
(because you interfered)
I can beat you very easily

Max speed, max damage = Beat them
So skill issue, there are smart runners but most of them are special

Ik but I beat Number 26 4 times in a row in 1v1s

damn did u forget the time i 2-3ed u? :joy:

ye, especially those beserker runners bc when they abil you, you just strafe lmao and its like, they can never touch u its ridiculous.

number 27 kool

that was 3 months ago :roll_eyes:

and we haven’t fought since.

1 kills doesnt determine skill and 2 kool is at most like a c tier player in pvp skills (correct me if im wrong)

c is correct but he is also number 27

Rank on lb doesn’t determine skill

I’m best pvp

Rank on LB ≠ skill