Why wasd is bad at swordbattle

I hate you wasd:

yesterday 2v1

today 2v1

1v1: starts to lose and instantly uses ability


Take it to dms
Its a situation thats out of my control because both of you are my friends


XD you were on yellow and I was on low green so i used ability to stop you from running


Also why is ability bad? Secondly, cool guy killed my teammate and then I started killing you faster lmao


L bozo/ Raito/ Get better/ Your trash/ And get better/ :laughing: (real frfrfr)

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wow let me grab my popcorn :popcorn:


oh you guys were friends? Iā€™m sorry cool guy when I killed you and chased you


Oh just a heads up to everyone (especially ANGEL, look at this DM lollll)

Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 8.24.23 PM

This guyā€™s old username was Angel_Grandson. This man just changed his username and thought it was some genius, mastermind plan. :skull:

You all know how this clown (:clown_face: ā† visual model in case this man canā€™t read, cause he clearly canā€™t spell DARK) was beefing with Wasd? For the sake of simplicity, I will now be referring to @DXRK as :clown_face: emoji for the remainder of this reply.

So I was online when both :clown_face: and Wasd were online. And as expected, they started fighting. Wasd ended up winning/killing him. After their fight, I wanted to 1v1 Wasd for a bit just to see how Iā€™d hold up against a highly upgraded player. So as weā€™re 1v1ing, :clown_face: respawned. Now, I was worried that heā€™d start roaching Wasd while we were fighting. But he actually started roaching ME instead (as I had lost a bit of health while 1v1ing), which was kind of unexpected. Up to this point, we were kind of chill, maybe friends. I even took my hands off my keyboard to let him roach, just to make sure if :clown_face: would actually go through with it and go in for the kill. And sure enough, he roached me to red health. I knocked him back and knew at that moment, our friendship was over.

He later decided to actually get gold and evolve instead of roaching, and started to fight me 1 on 1. While we were fighting, I asked him why he was willing to burn the bridges between us all because of his feud with Wasd. :clown_face: then said that he wanted to turn every ranked player against him (again, another supposedly genius, mastermind plan).

Funny enough, when Wasd and I were talking about :clown_face: (before all of this went down). I mentioned how I canā€™t seem to get players to beef with me, because I end up befriending a lot of players. After all, I always let the fights come to me.

And right here folks, is an invitation to war (from :clown_face: ), delivered right at my doorstep. And I graciously accept. At the end of the day, I got what I wanted: I have acquired BEEF.

Now, if thereā€™s one thing that I love about playing swordbattle is delivering consequences to those who have wronged me. So, :clown_face: (in case you havenā€™t caught on @DXRK, thatā€™s you), expect no mercy from me. You dragged me into your beef with Wasd, and in return, I will show you my full, relentless wrath. You reap what you sow.


Damn, you went :skull: HARDCORE :skull: on exposing himā€¦




i never liked angel grandson. guess i have an excuse to kill em now.


he told me to kill my self cause I killed him and started to curse at me cause heā€™s horrible he roaches you after sometime I killed em and while I was killing boss he tried to roach me and started to spawn kill me cause he had umadbro syndrome (thanks @coolguy53) .


he has anger issues for some reason @ANGEL look at shadows post :skull:


Gotta love it when people call you child, when theyā€™re the ones acting immature.


Than got pressed after I roasted the poop (keeping it friendly) out of him and he hates me :skull: mb you got smoked by Numero Uno


and how is he gonna betray angel she doesnā€™t even play much swordbattle nowadays and why would she care its childish to think sheā€™s gonna care :skull: sheā€™ll prob laugh :laughing:


He turned on me because I said I didnā€™t hate him (take your time to comprehend that) and he said penguin hacked his account or something and thats why he killed me twice

Also this was like a month ago now but he named himself Cool Guy Killer and idk why


yo we gotta make a post to put ppl with umadbro syndrome maybe a wiki


As this topic becomes a ā€œumadbro syndromeā€ diagnosis for :clown_face:, just a reminder to keep this tame lol.

At the end of the day, I just wanna mess with the guy for wanting to start beef with me.

@DXRK, donā€™t take any offense to whatever goofy stuff I say lol.


doesnā€™t he know modā€™s can see when people change their name

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lol where the hell did he get this from :rofl: I did joke that I hacked wasdā€™s acc but did he understand that?