Tier Tester Applications [OPEN NOW!]

(Note: Please Read my post about tier testing if you havenโ€™t already before continuing)

So I saw soon after making my post suggesting tier testing that gautam had liked my post:

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 7.43.45 AM

And so I PMed him to ask if it was alright, and he answered me with this:

And so, with that approval, I present to you all the tier tester applications post.

The only requirement is just to be somewhat decent at pvp, but what will the actual job require?

Well, when the tier testing request post opens up, I will ask all tier testers to set the post notifications to watching. This way you will be notified anytime someone asks to be tier tested. After you notice someone wants to be tier tested, then just suggest some times that it could happen.

Once everything is confirmed, hop on swordbattle.io to tier test them! Use your judgment, but if you are better than average, bump up their tier by a little bit, and vica-versa if you are on the average side.

So, with that being said, anyone who would like to become a tier tester, apply below:

  • Become a Tier Tester!
0 voters

Ill join ig since im able to beat like everyone except for bread+butter

idk about joining with the avaible time i alway have.

great! i will let you know when the tier testing topic comes out, and then just set your status to watching and keep an eye out for people who want to get tier tested!

no problem, thatโ€™s completely fine!

also, the poll will be open for a long time, even when i start the testing! so, feel free to vote anytime! (btw ty for coolguy for becoming a tier tester!)

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thank you wasd for applying, topic for tier testing will be opened at 4 tier testers!

Yea, I wonโ€™t do the tier testing thing, but I would like to be tier tested

good news, we have four tier testers now so the tier testing post will come out soon! (ty to f1nn!)

Ima do it just because Iโ€™m European

nice, thank you!

Ok, this sounds interesting. Ill join.

a quick thank you to the nine tier testers here, and the tier testing topic is open now!

Iโ€™m too bad at pvp to do this, I might start playing SB competitively after V2 is out

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you could also ask for the tester to give it to you in pms so others dont see

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yeah i canโ€™t join swordbattle still broke.

Iโ€™m joining I know Iโ€™m not the best of pvp since I phayze in and out of playing sb so I gain and loose skill but still would be fun to test my skill:D

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