tier testing?

pvp: person versus person combat. one of the most essential parts of swordbattle.io.

but so far, there is no way to tell someone your diffinitive skill in pvp.

if someone were to ask you: “are you good?” what would be your answer? “yes”, “no”, or “kinda” is usually your answer.

but what if there could be something…something that gives you a more clear definition of how good you are, more than just an answer in chat.

introducing, tier testing.

basically, here is my idea:

there would be one main “gamemode” to get tier tested in: warrior vs. warrior, as that is the standard 1v1 evolution as well.

in that, there would be five tiers, one being the best and highest and five being on the more average/low end.

the abbrieviations would be T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5.

but within these tiers, there would be a low and high member of the tier.

for example, if someone were around T3 skill level but on the high end, not quite T4, then they would be in high tier 3, or, HT3. And, subsequently, low tiers would have L in front of their tier for the abbrievation. For example, LT3.

but how would this actually be excecuted? well, certain people would be tier testers. those people would be reasonably experienced, good enough to assign accurate tiers.

the way this would work is that there would be a topic of some sort where people could request to get tier tested. a tier tester will be notified, and then assign a time to get tested. then, they will return your tier in pms once you have been tested.

so, what do you think? should this be a thing?

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Would it not make sense for there to be 5 fights for each tier of evol then find the winner?

i think there could maybe be tier testing for one evolution specifically, but yea, more than one fight would make sense. maybe out of 5…and then we could have “mixed evol” tier tests with more than one evol, with 5 as well

I think it would be cool!

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Too much for such a simple thing, just code a system to find someones skill or a simple, similar value that can be used, and then just seperate different parts of the leaderboard into different ranks, and then show those ranks at the end of everybodys names like the all-time xp leaderboard tags

true but wouldn’t it be more of an accurate to do it this way? because an actual human would be doing it better, because they can actually analyze the gameplay and find the persons weaknesses and strengths.

okay but the leaderboard thing would still make it better and I wouldn’t recommend making a gamemode just to go up the leaderboard because then it moves people away from the main point of the game, which is why it should just be in the standard swordbattle game it is now

also I feel like this is too much effort for gautam cause he would need to create a new gamemode

plus new gamemode means there would prob have to be another server that would cost money

and he’s already broke because of v2 (just look at replit, he spent like 10 k)

coolguy, killer, oh i just meant that as a term to encompass the new idea, no new gamemode is involved

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